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DélioPT said:
Miyamotoo said:

You don't know that, Nintendo did not specify any release date or year, they just said Switch Pokemon will need more than a year, holiday 2018. is almost 1.5 year from E3 2017.

Lol, I now remember, we already had this arguins. E3 proved you were wrong, they did were talking about some 2018. games even some games that could be beyond 2018. despite they said E3 while focused for 2017. It very clear, but you still asks why!? They could revele hole 2018. lineup but they didnt of course because they don't need, same like they did not need reveal hole Switch 2017. linuep in January event, or they didnt reveal Switch year before launch...

But why they announced Pokemon and Metroid!? It's very obvious, after Pokemon announcement for 3DS, people are asking for Pokemon Switch and they feared there isn't Pokemon for Switch, Nintendo just give confirmation that there is Pokemon Switch in development. Fans were asking Metroid Prime for years, and if they did announced just 3DS Metroid game, fans would angry, again Nintendo just gave confirmation for Metroid fans.

So no, we don't have any bad signs for 2018. we are just in middle of 2017. and we already have 3-5 announced games that will be released in 2018.

But that's exactly it: no date was given for 2 out of 4 games.
I don't know how much it takes to develop a new generation Pokemon game, but i know that if it's in HD it will take longer than usual.

I think you don't remember well our last conversation.

I always thought they were going to show 2018 games; I complained that their focus on 2017 games for the presentation was not necessary and they should show more of 2018  games.
You always said that focus on 2017 was expected as they are only focuses on the short term (unlike Sony, as the example you used several times).

If anything, E3 proved you wrong on how "focus" was meant to be read and how Nintendo wasn't just going to use Spotlight to focus on games coming 2017.

Do you really think Nintendo would just prepare that Pokemon announcement because some fans were upset that the Pokemon games announced weren't for Switch, or that they hadn't this planned for a long time?
I could even agree that the Metroid announcement was to please some fans. But still, it's really hard to not think they could have done the "wait for it" like they did some time ago (regarding Metroid). Also, people were very pleased with the 3DS game and if that was it, i doubt we would see an outrage like we saw with Federation Force.

Again, when you plan E3 the way it was planned you do raise questions (again).
Those 2 non 2018 announcements weren't necessary.

They didnt show anything for those games, they just confirmed they are in development, most likely they want propore revile with trailer and they will give year of release. But that doenst mean they will not be relased in 2018. esapcily that said Switch Pokemon will need more than a year, holiday 2018. is almost 1.5 year from E3 2017. Yoshi and Kirby had full trailer and year of release and they will almost certain be released in 1st half of 2018. (before E3 2018.).

Thats point, E3 that's focused on 2017. games did not stopped them to show some 2018. games even to announce some games that will be released maybe beyond 2018.

I was right, focus was on 2017. games with few announcement of games that will be released outside 2017.

Its not point only about upset fans, but point that they wanted that after Pokemon 3DS announcement to be sure that Pokemon is in development for Switch, most likely we can't hear anything about that game until next year. Its similar story for Metroid Prime 4 ananucment, and actualy Regie talked about that, how Metroid Prime "is a franchise that we know people have been very eager to get some news". People were very pleased because they are getting 2D and 3DS Metroid, you can bet that people would be angry if there was Metroid 3D announcement with just remaster of 2D Metroid. E3 media measure numbers show that Metroid Prime 4 announcement one of biggest news of E3, Metroid Prime fans literally cried. :D

Nintendo done great job with E3, and nobody really question their E3, Pokemon and Metroid Prime 4 announcement are totally logical because reasons I mention. Again, fact is taht you dont know if those game are 2018. games or not, Nintendo didn't said anything about year of releases, only fact we have they said Switch Pokemon will need more than a year of development and holiday 2018. perfectly fits that info.


What Reigge said is really answer on lotsa things you dont understand or you dont want to understand:

You know, for us, we believe that having hands-on opportunity married to an announcement is really the best way to do it,” Fils-Aime told IGN. “And so let’s take Super Mario Odyssey for example. We could have announced it months ago, but we weren’t yet ready, the team wasn’t ready, to show it and to let the consumer really understand visually how the hat mechanic works, how the capture mechanic comes into play. And so that’s how we think these through.”

For certain games, games that will be in development for, let’s call it a decent amount of time, like Metroid Prime 4 -- also, given that it’s a franchise that we know people have been very eager to get some news -- that’s when, fine, we’ll share it. We’ll share it early,” Fils-Aime added. “Others, we want to hold closer in and reveal it when the gameplay is going to be available. It literally is game by game, title by title, how we make that decision.”