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I'm a troll? Am I? I seem to be the only one not resorting to namecalling as a response. Mine is a simple theory and one looking to be more and more supported by European reviewers.

MGS4 is a game thats becomming all the more dependent on cinematic cut scenes, its nearly 50% game, 50% movies, this doesn't appeal to the same wide array as more interactive games like its predicessors did or games like GTAIV or COD4 do. This is the ADHD online gaming generation. While this is an appreciative artistic angle on Kojima's part (and in all fairness something he has said he's always wanted the games to be) the mixed consensus of the story's quality coupled with 15-45-75 minute cutscenes with broken pockets of gameplay... this is not a formula exactly working to the advantage of this game's mass market appeal.

MGS4 has refined the franchises appeal to suit the tastes of excentrics and franchise loyals not the market as a whole. Luckily for MGS4 the majority of buyers for this game will have no clue of what is in store for them and this game will sell phenomenally well its first week or two, but don't expect legs worth noting beyond that point.

I'm not even saying its going to be a bad game Darthdevidem, but I hope you don't plan on investing the same amount of energy on everyone else as you are me right now when the game is finally released WW and the communal disection begins.