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So whats your point ?

I know those games doesnt sell 4 million each (maybe FF or DQ ) .But those games will sell the console to the hardcore gamer and many casuals (Eye of Judgement ,PES ,Hot Shots ,Singstar that we didnt mention it ) and build an active fanbase that will buy many games each month unlike the casual crowd of the Wii .

And I repeat to you what it has been said before about price cuts ,if you cut the price you receive a 100-200 hit ,if you dont you dont sell millions of them and take a 500-600 hit by each produced .Thats pretty clear ,the thing is cut the price to push as many consoles as possible in households and then recover some money from royalties by both BR movies and games (third party ) and your own game sales.

You're not paying attention if you think the PS3 has anywhere near the attach rate of the Wii. The Wii is actually selling a lot of games, and many 3rd party games are doing extremely well on the system as well. Why do you think third parties are calceling games for the PS3 and putting them on the Wii (Katamari)?

The point is this: none of that software is going to drastically change the outlook for the PS3.  So far, the PS3 has consistently sold worse as more software has come out for it, so there's little reason to suspect all of those games will drastically increase sales.

Further, as people have pointed out: price cuts would have to be significant (not $100) to increase sales.  Sony can't do that -- not yet.  They've tested the waters at lower pricing and know it won't increase sales much at certain price points.  Sony has a limited range of motion, at the moment, and ultimately they're going to have to weather bad sales for probably a year yet before they can even consider really turning things around (and at that point it will still be an uphill battle).