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See, shit like this is exactly why mainstream media outlets are only hurting they own cause. Case in point - I never liked Trump from the outset, but have always hated and distrusted mainstream media more. So when they all almost unanimously try to constantly stuff anti-Trump propaganda down our throats, especially when the propaganda is made up, I can't help but wonder.. "huh.. maybe Trump is really onto something here?" It only makes me empathize with him more.

I don't it sounds a bit immature and stupid, but if 90% of the media outlets were constantly fighting for Trump and defending him rather than attacking him, I'd probably hate and distrust him far more. Just the way I am, I guess - I thrive on playing devil's advocate and questioning everything. Because so often in this world you learn that the majority or "mainstream" viewpoint is misguided and wrong.

At the very least, these outlets need to drop the phony Russia BS and sensationalism about "SEXIST! RACIST!!!1" and focus on REAL reasons to distrust Trump - lack of any political experience whatsoever, his ridiculous wall that will somehow span the entire southern US and cost billions, his seemingly close ties to the likes of Saudi Arabia, Trumpcare, closeness to Wallstreet cronies, etc..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden