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Chazore said:
JEMC said:

And is the result worth of all the troubles to make run at 60fps?

You mean was it worth it for tweaking a patch file?, yeah I'd say it was


Really all I did was download the patch file that was linked in the tutorial video, he already had it set to unlock the fps, all I had to do was replace the existing 1.9 file and set the gamespeed to half. It really wasn't much of an issue. I feel it's within the same line as editing a config file, not much of a hassle compared to say, modding Skyrim and getting mods to play nice.


The animations look smoother, there isn't that much jutter when things get cluttered.

I also edited Generals ZH config file to give me my 1920x1080 res and also zooming the camera out further, my only issue is trying to solve the lag issue on the bigger maps when you're 15 mins into a game.


EA could really do with remastering/remaking the old C&C games, giving them higher res and texture support. They don't need a massive team to work on those old games either compared to what they had to do to make and then cancel Generals 2.

Well, by troubles I ment something more like looking for a way to do it and then config. it to make it run as you wanted/needed. But hey, if you're happy with the result, then good for you!

Also, forget about remakes of those games. First, because EA is not interested in RTS games anymore (just like most developers/publishers), and second because if they do it, the games won't launch on Steam.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.