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HappySqurriel said:
Although this is an interesting comparison on how successful each of the companies has been over the past several years, the chart is overly simplified and doesn't consider the profit/loss from the Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy or PSP; with how successful the GBA and Nintendo DS has been, it is likely that the bulk of Nintendo's profit came/comes from those systems and not from the Gamecube or Wii.
Whilst true for the GC vs GBA (and vs DS at the same time) the Wii is close to changing that.

for the last fiscal year they actually made more on Wii hardware than DS hardware, and software is catching up. In fact my guess would be most of the "others" part of hardware was due to Wii accessories like the remote/nunchuck, wheras the DS has fewer, cheaper and less popular accessories.

Although I think this is revenue as opposed to profit.

 edit. blast it is too big... right click>view image