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So far all your explanations are just different ways of saying that upscaling processes reduce overall IQ but are an acceptable compromise in exchange for a big displaying surface.

The problem is you have been saying that upscaling makes the picture look worse and you have compared it to zooming in on pictures. The problem is that is not the correct analogy you have to use the Resample function of image editing programs. Set the algorithm for example to bicubic and you will see that you do not loose any quality by upsampling. Its of course worse than rendering in the real resolution but its NOT worse than a lower resolution screen running in lower resolution.

And kyros, neither all TV's are 768 nor all force image resizing.

99.999% of all 720p LCDs are 1376*768 WXGA. (Thats almost exactly one megapixel.)

. I've also seen the upscaled output produced after hours of rendering in final cut/compressor and the artifacts are there.

??? You do not need hours of rendering just use photoshop or any freeware tool (Photofiltre) and use the Resample function and you will see that this doesn't make the picture worse. (/Than the lower res original again Upsampling cannot create details that do not exist of course)