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I know a lot of people who cited the DVD player as a reason for buying the PS2 back in 2000 (the launch lineup was trash). Some listed it as icing on the cake which made for a sweet deal, many even said that they wanted a DVD player and that playing games (including PS1 games) was the "added" benefit. This is purely abecdotal, but from a large canvass of individuals: it seemed to me at the time that the inclusion of DVD was as big a factor as the games in the PS2's performance.

That, and general ignorance about the power under the hood. I talk to gamers to this day who are shocked that the PS2 wasn't more powerful than the Xbox and Gamecube. Sony is a powerful marketing machine, first and foremost.

Retro Tech Select - My Youtube channel. Covers throwback consumer electronics with a focus on "vid'ya games."

Latest Video: Top 12: Best Games on the N64 - Special Features, Episode 7