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GoOnKid said:

Pemalite said:

Nintendo is in a unique position to placate both demographics here. And you are essentially screaming that they shouldn't.

No I don't, YOU do! I say buy it as it is and enjoy it with both of it's possible methods of use and if you don't like one of them, don't use that one. You are the one who wants it limited to TV only and have the portability excluded as a whole.

The contradiction is real. Nothing really for me to add to this as you just provided the perfect example for my argument.

Please note. The introduction of a cost-reduced Switch doesn't mean the old model goes away. It's like the Playstation 4 Pro and Xbox One X being sold alongside their less powerfull peers.

GoOnKid said:

Why? The dock is just plastic, the joycons are by far not as expensive to manufacture as you would think, batterys either. The screen, I don't know, but yeah, that could be expensive. But you would want to include a faster chip on the other hand, and a HDD drive, and whatnot, to maintain higher power. I guess that will balance up and you gained no price advantage.

False. The dock is not just plastic. It has electronics inside.

The Joycons are more expensive to manufacture due to all the sensors compared to the Pro controller.
Batterys add to the cost. So does the screen.

You don't need to include a hard drive or faster chip. They can remain identical to what the Switch has currently.

GoOnKid said:

In case you don't want to improve the specs, you are limiting the Switch to just one method of use. Just because you think the price is too high. Wait for a pricecut.

I don't think you are getting it. The current switch system doesn't get pushed off the market. Both can be sold side-by-side and share the same game library.
Nothing is being limited.
Consumers get more choice.

Besides. On a personal level, the Switch's garbage 720P, 6.2" screen isn't enough for what I want anyway. Either go big or go home in my opinion.

GoOnKid said:

The thing is that this machine is design around the switching between home and portable use. Taking one of these away destroys the product in itself. Why did nobody complain about the PS4 not being able to play on the go? Why the fuck can't I plug my Gameboy directly into a TV? Because these products aren't designed with that in mind.

Who cares what the current Switch is designed as? Or what other products have/haven't done? You are using a strawmans argument which is nonsensical. It doesn't negate the possibility of a fixed, cut-down home console using the same internals.

GoOnKid said:

With the Switch you have choices straight out of the boxes. More choice isn't always a bad thing.

Except the choices you don't want. You don't like those apparantly as per your prior examples.

GoOnKid said:

And while were at it: why the fuck do consoles only come in one color these days? I want different colored versions! More choice, please. And I also want a PS4 slim to be even slimmer, because it still won't fit into my TV setup, Sony should definitely make an even smaller version, because I want that. And make it orange, because I like orange.

Consoles don't only come in one colour. Special editions exist.

But regardless. Your argument is invalid. It's got nothing to do with a fixed home-console version of the Switch.

GoOnKid said:

Pemalite said:

Having more power is never a bad thing.
I don't understand how people can justify having weaker hardware components.

I like to compare this to sports cars. If you buy one of them, you may have the option to drive 300km/h, but you are never allowed to do so and it serves you nothing in the end. Why do people still buy them? 1) To show what technology has achieved so far. 2) To show what technology may achieve in the future. 3) To pat their own ego. 4) To pick up chicks. Personally, I don't care about any of these reasons.

Computing technology is not a sports car. So your comparison is invalid.

And are you really arguing against having more hardware performance? I mean really? Are you actually being serious or are you trolling? I am legitimately asking.

GoOnKid said:

Aren't power and battery life in direct competition with each another? And if you manage to raise both, your price will rise as well, and you are the one whe doesn't want the price to rise.

Why would you assume power and battery life are in direct opposition to each other?
And why do you assume the price will rise?

You do know what Moores law is don't you? Scales of economy?


Also. Please use quotes properly. It makes replying easier. Thanks. Have a nice day.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--