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Lawlight said:
killeryoshis said:

You are taking numbers without context again. There are a lot of countries that never got an NES. Ask Russia how much they played with their NES in the 80s. 
Also the NES had to compete with Atari and Sega.  Sega did such a good job in Europe that the Master System outsold the NES in Europe. 

Still, nothing in comparison to the competition the PS4 faces today. I'd be happy to list them.

You mean Nintendo who made there worst system to date while also having to support the 3DS. (Sega only had to support the Master System )
Or do you mean Microsoft who can't compete unless they throw billions of dollers? At least Sega proved they can outsell the NES. Microsoft coudldn't even outsell the PS3 with a headstart and a butchered  PS3 launch. (Plus Japanese excluesive support for the 360!)

Are you going to name the growing PC market which had its teeth cut out compared to how it was in the 80s with a good amount of big budget companies made exclusives only for computers. Nowadays PC exclusives are poor compared to what they used to be. (Ok they got some indie games and strategy I suppose. But not even Blizzard is 100% pc anymore)

Are you going to name the mobile market because that's not competition ether. I don't think anyone will play Call of Duty on a mobile over a real home console. (They didn't even do it with the Wii!) 

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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