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AlfredoTurkey said:

When you consider the market difference between 1985 and 2013, it's not really that impressive. It's like comparing revenue for movies and not adjusting for inflation. The NES selling 60 million units in the climate it launched in is like the PS4 selling 300 million units.

You are correct(Mostly. I don't know where you get the 300 million figure from). The reason you cannot compare the NES and PS4 directly is because you need to take account of population growth, market growth and new world markets.

For instance in 1990 the US population was 249.6 million. In 2017 it is 326 million. This is about a 76 million population increase.  This does not include other countries. 

You also have to take account that the NES had to revive a whole market (North America).  So the NES couldn't burst out of the gate selling gangbusters because no one took is seriously at first. The NES peaked in 1990 just when the SNES was about to come out in 1991. (So Nintendo had to start supporting the SNES)

Also when the NES came out half of Europe was under Soviet Union's control. (They were not keen letting people play video games. ) Also Nintendo didn't really have a Nintendo of Europe until 1990. So expansion was limited there for a bit. The PS4 was released in a lot more countries then the NES  as well giving PS4 an unfair advantage to the NES. 

Now I am not trying to say the PS4 isn't going to outsell the NES but you need to take the numbers into context instead of directly comparing them.  There is more to the story then bigger number beats smaller number.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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