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I love Nintendo Products but Nintendo is doing huge mistakes.
I will just write things which comes in my mind right now. So i am not prepared.
The joycons are really not worthy. They are because of the tech inside but they are not usable. You cant use the kickstand because it is cheap. So you cant hand over one Joycon to someone to play everywhere. It will not work. I have tried it. Now you will say but motion Controlls. Beside Bitblock now one really care about motion controll. Everyone whom i know is playing arms with normal controlls. What i want to say is that nintendo forced us to pay for something what no one will use. Instead of investing into the joycons they could take that money and make better Hardware. The tegra x2 for example. Now 3rd parties. Where is my snes like switch? Nintendo has more than 50 billion dollars and another 2 in properties and side businesses. Why the hell cant they pay a companie money to get exclusives?
I am 33. I have a 16 month old son and a 12 hours job. I judt dont have the time to sit infront of a pc or a tv to play games. The switch was my salvation. But no. Nintendo is doing Nintending again. They have to release a dock upgrade, a hw revision or that SCD Patenr to give 3rd parties the chance for an easy port. Or like i said PAY and dont be greedy Nintendo.
Also their stupid youtube practices where they gave nintendo life with 0 personality a place in their white list and people like boogie or angry jow a place in their black list. What is this? If Nintendo dont understand the West they should stay in japan. If this is their target than they should stay there. It drives me crazy to see the company the best devs. is managed by donkeys from the 19th century.