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SuperNova said:
Aeolus451 said:

Sony had to agree to cross-play to get a port during the PS3 days and onto the PS4. The reason why MS to this day doesn't have the FFXIV ARR on the 360 or xbox one is because ms didn't agree with crossplay. Nice spin btw. 

I wasn't trying to spin anything, honestly. I'm not one to go for 'console wars'. I was referring to Sonys current stance on cross-play over Rocket League and Minecraft. I'm not intimately aware of FFXIVs history on Ps3 and 360 because I only ever owned a PS3 that generation and wasn't into gaming news at the time. So sorry about that.

I assume since the 360 never got a port we're talking PC cross-play here? I was talking more about console cross-play, wich Sony currently doesn't seem keen on.

Bandorr said:

An odd statement since the reason FF14 isn't on xbox is because they have denied it TWICE.  Yes Microsoft denied the cross play, both with Mattrick and Phil. It has been 4 years since they were offered it. The one requirement? Cross-play. Sony was all for it.. guess who wasn't?

Yet that seems to be the common theme of this thread.  Assume, presume, never actually read the thread.

See above. I DID read OP and the first few pages of the thread, but this is literally the first time I'm hearing about this, so thanks for providing context. I was seeing thing purely within the context of recent events, since the statement was recently made and both NIntendo and MS have RECENTLY shown their willingness to support cross-console-play while Sony hasn't.

Also the article in OP was framed from that standpoint as well, with the 'convincing Sony of cross-play' line, so don't just assume I'm trying to be ignorant and bite my head off.

Dragon quest X is crossplay between ps4, switch, pc, wiiU and 3ds