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Has anyone else downloaded this WiiWare title? I just checked the game info. page for it, and I'm one of two people listed as owning it. C'mon guys, 'fess up. Who else has blown 800 Wii points on this 2-5 minute long top-down shooter? And if you have, would you mind sharing a few hints and tips for getting a high score with me?

I'll start. I'm talking about two minute mode here (because it's the mode I play most often), but this applies to five minute mode too.

As with time attack modes in some other top-down shooters, the faster you take out each wave, the more waves you'll encounter. More waves = more points. I find it best to start the game by setting my speed to 3 and moving to the top left corner of the screen. The first wave centres itself on the left-hand-side platform. If you sit at the top of the screen, in the middle of where that platform's going to be, you can grab the first weapon upgrade, then slide right to take out the wave.

After that, I usually slide left again and free up the two yellow (energy?) balls there as quickly as possible, slide down to grab them, then go back up to the top of the screen to concentrate on clearing the next wave (coming from the left) as fast as possible.

When I line up vertically with the two weapon upgrades on the right-hand-side platform, I move over to grab them and snake my way down to the bottom of the screen (clearing out most of the infrastructure of the platform in the process). I then go to the far right and grab the yellow balls there. Not only does this clear the platform, but it also takes care of the wave appearing at that time.

I then grab any balls remaining and take out the wave appearing from the right-hand-side as the platforms disappear from view. After that, it's back to the top of the screen, where I can focus on taking out the next waves quickly.

That's a bit of my early game and it nets me about 4-5 seconds over sitting at the bottom of the screen and shooting randomly. In a good game, the last wave I'll see is a wave of Mistas and (I think) Gniras. I don't know, it's always too hectic at that point.

One of the best ways I've found to move the waves along is to actively go for the wave of Mjolns. When I first started playing, they were going so quickly, I'd just let some of them whiz by. Now, I don't let any of them go. I sit in about the middle of the screen (vertically) and sway from left to right to get them all. Killing them all quickly really moves the Lazarus along.

That's it for my tactical thoughts on Star Soldier R for now. I haven't mentioned a few obvious ones like: shoot Lazarus from the inside, yellow balls = points, destroy both Delilahs at the same time, shoot the Psy your ships shoot, etc. Feel free to provide hints and tips about those, or about less obvious things. For instance, does anyone know a good way to assuredly take out all of the Carons? I can do it occasionally, but most of the time I'll miss one.

My top score on two minute mode is 975, 100. My top score on five minute mode is not worth mentioning (yet).