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Well at least this game will sell alot at launch, expect terrible legs though.

With this new revelation in the game's cut scene length MGS4 has confirmed everyone's suspisions that the franchises is drifting ever farther from the "Core" (Mass Appeal) audience and is venturing evermore into the realm of "Hardcore" (limited niche appeal) status.

This combined with an unanymously unimpressive online experience, I don't see this game fairing too well in the long run, but expect a huge launch.

I mean, just look at eveyone's first impressions on the game, half of them don't know what to make of the game while the rest make excuses for what they feel to be compromises or concerns in the game. I'm not saying this is a bad game, but when the most anticipated game of the generation comes out and the first thing people have to say about isn't, "OMG! THIS GAME IS BETTER THAN SEX!" (like they did with GTA4) it has to make you wonder.