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Kasz216 said:
omgwtfbbq said:
wow there are all these people complaining about Gore and Kerry, it's as if there were only two people you could vote for!

if everyone who bitched about both major runners actually went and voted for a third party, then maybe the majors would take notice that they aren't very well liked.

The problem is.  The way the system is set up, that's basically all you do get to vote for.   3rd party cadidtates aren't even invited to presidential debates despite supposed "equal time" laws and most people aren't brave of some would say, foolish enough to let the other party win because they seem like the opposite of what you believe in.

Basically most people vote against a party, not for or against a candidate. 



It is unfortunate that the voting system in America basically gives people the impression that if you don't vote for one of the two major parties you are essentially "throwing your vote away". If you had a system like we do in Australia things might be a bit different (I have never voted for either one of the two major parties as my first preference, and small parties can often end up holding the balance of power, allowing them to add their voice into parliament.)

However, if enough people who disliked both parties actually went out and voted for a third party, then you would probably be surprised at what kind of effect it would have.


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