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That's not exactly a perfect comparison, but we'll roll with it just the same. Now I don't know if you've seen most cars, but a great deal of people don't treat them that well. To say that they're abusive of them isn't entirely accurate, but it's not far off (negligent is a more fitting term). Maintenance on an inexpensive car tends to be similarly inexpensive, and those cheaper vehicles also tend to be built to handle a lot of mistreatment and negligent behavior. Whereas a BMW is built for looks and style before all else, and a trip to the mechanic's can cost you a whole lot.

Given the penchant for punishment most consumers have towards their vehicles in not keeping them up, a lot of consumers would quickly be trading the normally-expensive car right back in, because their old car wasn't so pricey to keep in good shape. Sure, it doesn't look as nice and doesn't get as many "oohs" and "ahhs" from the neighbors, but at least you're not sinking half the price you paid for it in repairs every three months.

And then there's the branch of consumers who wouldn't want the vehicles because they ARE high-end. I know that probably sounds crazy, but consider: what use does a farmer have for a Mercedes Benz? A pick-up truck would be far more useful to them. Why would a construction worker ever want something like a BMW? The damned thing would get destroyed in no time from all the tools they'd have to lug around in it. The vehicle has no practical value to people whose jobs involve carting heavy things around, nor to people whose use for cars is frequent and not focused on the car itself.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.