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"Common knowledge" is a tricky thing. Because more often than not, it turns out to be "corporate propaganda" or "internet rumor". I don't trust it; if it cannot be backed up with valid research, then it's anecdotal.

The NES was a half-decade out of date when it came out in Japan, and even more outdated when it reached the US. Its central processor was first made in 1978.

Incidentally, it's interesting that you've decided to arbitrarily label me, whereas I was simply attempting to understand your reasoning and explaining what it looked like you were saying. Did I actually say that you do think that way? No, I said you "appear" to think that way. All you had to do was clarify your reasoning, and yet, your response was to declare me a "fanboy" instead. I don't really see the reasoning behind this labeling, either, as I've largely only been explaining basic consumer marketing theory. How does explaining that consumers value utility over extraneous features make me a "fanboy", exactly? Again, I am inquiring as to your reasoning, because in this case, I cannot even come up with a reasonable explanation. Help me out here.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.