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It's not asking much to take a look at the monthly sales figures on VGC and compare those with Nintendo's production numbers to confirm/debunk the notion that Nintendo is withholding stock on any significant level.

Realistically, Nintendo (or anyone for that matter) wants as many hardware units in the hands of consumers as possible, preferably in the hands of end users rather than Ebay flippers or console hoarders in the interest of building up that initial user base which only means more software units and Nintendo branded accessories sold.

If the argument shifts to "Nintendo is purposely not producing as many hardware units as they could sell" then the question becomes, then why did they announce they were doubling production goals in light of the better than projected initial sales performance?

Announcing that production will be doubled does nothing to feed the street level notion that supply will continue to be pinched for the foreseeable future, thus encouraging runs on and hoarding of supply. It's not like Nintendo made that announcement to spur sales of games and accessories among consumers who have yet to be able to find a Switch at retail.

Consumer interest simply outstrips Nintendo's production and shipping rates currently. Nintendo wouldn't have resorted to shipping units via air cargo, thus cutting into their margins if this weren't the case.