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I also think Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon Switch will launch in 2018. Basically they MUST launch in 2018, Nintendo has to push their developement as hard as possible. These both seem to be the big titles in 2018. Maybe there will be a 3rd one - Smash Swich - but I dont think Nintendo will have any other really big title in 2018.
Sorry, but I dont count Kirby and Yoshi as big titles, which really will sell lots of consoles.
I have lots of trust in Nintendo, but they just can not make a new IP from nothing which is really big. I guess Splatoon was/is an exception ;)

Pokemon will probably launch in mid/late November and will be THE holiday title.
Metroid Prime 4 (at lest in US and EU) will launch somewhere around mid September to mid October - depending on what other games will be releasing in 2nd half of 2018.

If Smash Switch will be released in 2018, then I guess this one and Pokemon Switch will take the mid October and mid/late November spots, but then I am not sure anymore which game takes which spot. At least I believe both will then release within time frame October to December.
In this case Metroid Prime 4 then will take the September spot.