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Your post has dissolved into a giant mess of quote blocks, so I'll try and hit the highlights with some good old fashioned copypasta.

Keep in mind that the key word is personalattack. I didn't direct that any specific person. You did. So if you want to get personal (and you already did), I'm game. If you want to get the mods involved, be my guest.

I think it might be worth adjusting your expectations a bit for what a personal attack is. An attack is not sarcastically saying that someone shouldn't look at a fanbase because they should go into shock. An attack (and a personal attack) is accusing someone of "lying in the reeds and waiting to start shit," or claiming that a user specifically targets other users just to boost their own ego, both of which you have done so far.

Might as well be a shark, because that's what you're jumping now, if you're going to be so anal and straw-graspy that you feel this is important enough to point out. It's an orca, got it. Thank you for correcting me.

...I was attempting to go for some humor value before starting what presumably wasn't going to be a particularly enjoyable post to write, but sure, take it that way, I suppose.

"Show me the part where I said many of you can't stand titles that aren't named Prime or Super Metroid."

Very well.

To the overwhelming majority of it, Super Metroid is Jesus, and nothing will ever compare. The original Metroid Prime is the only worthy successor,

Again, if we didn't think ZM was a worthy successor to Super, why would we bother recommending it?

Who said I'm intolerant of the fanbase? If that were the case, then I wouldn't have taken part in the thread. Why do you think I'm not aware of the behavior of other fanbases, as if I just started using the Internet yesterday?

I said you're intolerant of the fanbase, after you called the majority of its members socially inept, circle jerking, and several other things. And I bothered to explain some of the more recent happenings with the Fire Emblem and Zelda fanbases because I have no reason to assume that you are a fan of either, and, thus, would be aware of them. As a teacher of mine used to say, it's better to assume your audience doesn't know something that they do than to assume they do know something that they don't. If that truly offends you, then I'll be happy to stop.

You started riding my ass because you don't share my opinion. Need I provide quotes for that again? You've also been getting on to me for disparaging a fanbase, meanwhile you did the exact same thing to two other fanbases. Need I provide quotes for that again? I'll give you credit for your response to Jumpin's opinion regarding games after Metroid 2 though.  I agree with you regarding what you saidto him. Doesn't change the fact that you saw an easy target and went right for it. Need me to mansplain it to you?

Yes, you do need to provide quotes for that, because I went after you for labeling an entire fanbase as "insular, intolerant, socially inept, and circle jerking." That is the only thing I've gone after you for. I've never once attacked you for your opinions in regards to video games. 

And no, I didn't do the exact same thing to Zelda or Fire Emblem's fanbase. I said that if you thought Metroid fans were bad, you would be shocked by what was happening there because there tends to be more infighting. I guess if you want to say that I accused the Zelda/FE fanbases of having a disproportionate amount of infighting over opinions, then that's fine. But nowhere did I call either fanbase "insular, intolerant, socially inept, or circle jerking," or any other derogatory term.

Finally, you're continuing to spout the same baseless accusations about just wanting to go for an easy target to boost my own ego, again with no evidence to demonstrate motive or intent, so there's no reason for me to respond there.


But did you bother to read? Nope, because that wouldn't fit your narrative, would it? You perceive only what you wish to, then you take it and run with it. And then you write long, condescending walls of text explaining to the unenlightened masses how and why the world spins. Bravo.

I'm still not entirely sure what point you're trying to make here (which, incidentially, is why all those "long, condescending walls of text" can be useful at times, because it's very easy for things to get lost in translation on the internet). I...think you're trying to say that if I bothered to read I would know your opinion on Metroid games? I think? In which case, again, I'm not particularly concerned with which games you like. You're welcome to like whatever you want. You're welcome to hate whatever you want. Just refrain from actively insulting large groups of people.