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The UK as you know is odd in it's pricing. Competition drives down prices, PSN and XBL etc, don't compete with anyone and prices stay high at first until sales which are controlled.

I think the way forward is the same as films, games seem to be behind both music and films when it comes to moving to a more digital age. Films nowadays mostly include a Blu-Ray version plus a digital version through a 'Ultra-violet' account, it is done by a code. Use that code you can technically sell your blu-ray copy of the film. But that digital code is only useable once.

So in terms of games, you get a digital version of the game when you purchase a physical disc copy. Sell that game and the digital version won't go with the disc, it stays with you. If all things happen as they should, due to this, digital only games will go down in price as there isn't the idea you get both physical and digital copies. Game stores will offer less for your game and sell it used for less due to the digital part not being available but obviously people buying the physical part can only play it with the disc in the console. It will encourage people to buy new as well because they get the digital version supporting companies instead of giving more profits to Game stores as buying used is more appealing for some older games.

Of course what games companies would do it just sell it for more than the RRP now anyway, because some of them are greedy and don't get it.

Hmm, pie.