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Sky Render said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box, don't bet on HD vs. SD having any impact on the Wii. The average consumer does not value HD over SD, and the few that do don't account for nearly enough sales for it to matter. We've discussed this already at length in the topic, in fact. The "quality" of a product is insignificant next to the "value" of the product to the consumer.

The "value" of a product is derived from how well it does the job the consumer wants the product to fulfill. Normal consumers buy a product to fulfill a single job, usually with a very simple definition which does not prioritize things like quality of visuals over things like quality of experience. Ergo, HD has nothing to offer over SD (the experience is identical, it just looks better).

Totally agree with this and I want to add that many HD adopters that has a Wii are fully satisfied with the Wii on their HD televisions not all HD owners will be disapointed and revert to another console because the other consoles have better resolution and graphics.

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In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

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