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"The sheer amount of online conversation volume that Nintendo’s press conference generated was 108 percent more than Xbox."

"51 percent of all online conversations surrounding Nintendo reflected positive feedback on the company, whereas only 38 percent of conversations surrounding Xbox were positive."

^E3 software related overall picture.
(me: seems people enjoyed Nintendos E3 show more)

Xbox One X vs Switch (hardware talk) E3:

"Although Nintendo generated more conversation volume than Xbox, when it came to conversations surrounding the Xbox One X versus Nintendo Switch, Xbox One X was received more positively than the Nintendo Switch by the E3 audience. Interestingly, the Xbox One X was mentioned only 1 percent more than the Nintendo Switch during E3, which means this audience was equally discussing and perhaps comparing the consoles. However, 57 percent of the conversations about Xbox One X were positive while only 45 percent of all Nintendo Switch conversations were positive."

(me: It seems people think much better of the hardware inside the Xbox One X, than the switch)

Most talked about game's:

"Facebook said it saw 17 million people talk about E3 and the major game titles and brands associated with the show since June 9. There were 41 million posts, likes and comments. The games that were talked about most were Nintendo’s Super Mario Odyssey, Destiny 2, and Call of Duty: WWII."

(me: not really surprised.... the casuals and masses seem to love Call of Duty & Destiny)



Also not really surprised that Nintendo seems to have generated more "postive" feedback/talks this E3 than microsoft did.

Lots of people where abit dissapointed with that 499$ price tag.