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Barkley said:

Hideo Kojima has only made the first chapter in MGS5. The rest he was in a room and worked on the real end and the sequences - without his team. This is in the solution book and was also a news in the past. He also wanted another story for Phantom Pain, but Konami wanted to repeat missions in Chapter 2 and no "outer heaven/zanzibar"-stuff. Chapter 3 was completely deleted. Hideo Kojima wanted to return the "Ground Zero" prison in Phantom Pain, but no chance - konami wanted it not :( really sad.

The production costs were so high, because the game was developed on 4 systems (with pc? Then 5). The team had to share, there were difficulties. The biggest reason, however, is that Konami wanted to decide how the story goes -.- MGS5 could have become incredible (like MGS 1-4), but so ..

It is no wonder that so many employees have gone. Not just people from the MGS team, many other developers of Konami also.