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SuperNova said:
Johnw1104 said:

Is there any evidence that such a deal took place? I've honestly never heard of a semi-exclusivity deal that only forbids bringing the game to one specific platform, that would be pretty darn shady by both Capcom and Sony. 

Either way, I just don't understand Capcom's thinking; I'm not sure a platform has ever been more tailor-made and perfect for Monster Hunter than the Switch, and it would be a blockbuster success in Japan (and probably do very well in the West as Switch software sales have been very strong so far). Capcom and Nintendo had a partnership that was an enormous success, but instead of doing just the stupid thing in switching their exclusivity to another platform, now they specifically target their huge fanbase that developed on Nintendo platforms by excluding only them from future titles?

Whether or not there was a deal, Capcom can go fuck themselves. Seriously, I hope this blows up in their face.

Decide for yourself:

The leak seems to be pretty spot on with a lot of things, so I personally believe it's true. Apparently Nintendo was not brought in for negotioations, so if it's true Sony must have payed pretty penny.

MonHun wont develop into a blockbuster fanchise in west overnight and I think capcom severly underestimated the Switches potential success in the west compared to an already well established Sony. Sony meanwhile apparently saw the writing on the wall for the Switches success in Japan. It's already outpacing the Ps4 in the same timeframe and like you said, between splatoon 2, DQ11 and this it would have blown up into epic proportions, especially now that core pokemon is confirmed to be coming. MH worlds is essentially exclusive to sony in japan and MH will be exclusive to sony/xbox/pc in the west going forward, wich is the best sony could've wished for.

That's such a dick move. It seems like Capcom would have learned their lesson after street fighter 5