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I think the best practice for releasing DLC is to create different kinds. Like, I have zero interest in "arena" DLC but I know others like it so I'm fine with it. Not everything has to be for me. I personally loathe entitled baby-heads who think something sucks just because it's not what they're interested in.

That being said, I am not a fan of making people pay $20 for a higher difficulty. Not when you look at other games like Fallout 4, where they released a Survival Mode that changes a lot of the game mechanics for free. Actually, $20 seems to be a steep price but it depends on how much content is added. Not real impressed with Hero's Path and Travel Medallion being DLC, either, but there has been worse. Hero's Path seems like it would have been a great free update.

I guess the plan is to pack in stuff to make that $20 seem like a value. I am understanding this correctly, right? You HAVE to buy the Expansion Pass? You can't buy any of it separately?