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MDX said:

In discussing the power of the Wii in relation to Xbox/360/PS3


Has anybody taken into consideration that the Wii's CPU can do out-of-order-processing while the HD machines can only do in-order-processing?

Alot of the games from the HD consoles have framerate issues.  This could be a reason why.  Now truthfully I prefer lower resolutions and 60fps than higher resolutions at 30fps.

because the more "realistic" a game looks, the more important that the framerate can convey life-like animation. Otherwise I feel sometimes Im playing games in stop motion, and I get

taken out the immersion, and sometimes out of the "zone". 


Another point is this:

If a developer was given two years and 10 million to make a Wii game vs two years  and 10 million to make a 360/PS3 game, which game would be overall better?

My bet would be the Wii game.   Now we know that a A class or B class HD game costs somewhere from 17 to 20 million dollars.

But a Wii game from 5 to 10.

Now here is the question.  How many publishers are really putting up 5 to 10 million dollars on their Wii titles?  I bet the aren't, they are probably spending no more than 2million, and porting PS2 or Gamecube assets.  Even though they have no problem spending up to 20 million for the HD consoles?

20 million dollars = 2 AAA Wii games vs 1 AAA PS360.

Now, given that the Wii has the most units sold, and the fans are hungry for AAA titles, what would make more sense?  

You can double, even triple your chances with a hit game investing into the Wii than the PS360.  Publishers are stupid.  

The Wii could be one of the greatest consoles in history from a large game library of AAA third party games that will give Galaxy, MP3, and Smash a run for their money.






Something to keep in mind--in the last fiscal year, the vast majority of companies lost tremendous piles of cash when everything was over and done. Many had much higher sales than the previous year, but their losses were still higher. And when the last fiscal year ended, most third party companies had put most of their efforts into the HD consoles, not the Wii or DS. Personally, I'd much rather see two A games on the Wii from a company than just one AAA title on an HD console.