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Kerotan said:
killeryoshis said:
I stop paying attention to E3 for 30 minutes and then they announce this. Well it looks like the rumors of a Monster game on everything not Switch were true. If that rumor is true than this game is for Western Audiences and that Sony paid for the game to be on everything but the Switch.

Things just got interesting. Now I wonder how this will sell and what it will do to the Monster Hunter Brand.

I'd say it's more likely Capcom wanted to tap into the Western market and picked PC/PS4/XB1 for it as that's where most of the userbase will be. They have their own 3ds port for the switch and they'll probably make MH5 for the switch too. If sony paid for this it would have been PS4/PC. It's also PS4 exclusive in Japan which likely means Capcom thought it wasn't worth their while porting it into japanese for the xb1 and pc platforms. 

Eh nope. The rumor goes that Sony paid for it not to be on the Switch. Source
They don't care if the game releases on PC and Xbone because neither are popular in Japan. Its excluesive by defualt over there.  Also I am pretty suure Sony is getting a market deal with Monster Hunter as well. It is obvious Sony moneyhatted this title to hurt the Switch.  Almost the entire rumor was true except for the name.  There are also rumors that they changed the name Monster Hunter 5 to Monster Hunter World because Capcom got cold feet.  Another source

While Capcom wanted the seires to be more popular in the West it should have been on the Switch as well. It is obvious Sony wanted an excluesive Monster Hunter so they can also sell better in Japan since sales over there are terrible. They just baited Capcom that they can make the series popular in the West. NIntendo did the same thing before. Whose to say Sony wouldn't do the same.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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