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monocle_layton said:
Ubisoft was very solid. Not sure what you're talking about. Sony wasn't going above and beyond, but it still felt like a 7/10 performance.

The issue I think is the way EA, Bethesda, Microsoft, and others made their e3. Besides the issues with what was in their presentation, they sometimes focused on irrelevant things

I think everyone should take Nintendo's new route. We saw in the April direct how efficient it is. Regarding what people thought of the content, the presentation was a 10/10. Fast, straight to the point, and gameplay is saved for the treehouse.

Well, besides the two times the dude came out and talked Sony's was basically just trailer after trailer after trailer.

I think though the thing that made it kind of 'meh' was the lenght of every trailer. Personally I fel they spent too much time on each game. I started to think "move onto the next game already" in regards to every game shown. 

Maybe Nintendo is onto something with the shorter time. We will see tomorrow. But I know I can and will see any of those trailer or gameplay segments ect from Sony during the week, so no need to showcase a demo on stage.  Also way too many CGI events. I feel like half the trailers I watched I have no idea what the actual gameplay looks like. Like take Mario/Rabbids game. If you only watched their trailer, you would not have a single clue what the game was really like.