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These big companies tend to record and/or keep logs of complaints and such. It's part of the reason they have customer service. Nintendo is paying attention and though they may, as of now, outwardly consider the HDD-proponents to be "only the hardcore," this discouraging storage problem has been leaking into mainstream media.

My old geezer Mom has a Wii and doesn't read gaming magazines, though even she's come across articles complaining about it. Chances are this is already too much for Nintendo to ignore.

Continued bombardment of the company about this is the way to go, for now.

One of my suggestions is to flood the Everybody Votes channel with questions such as, "Does the Wii need a harddrive?" And never allow a "no" answer. Just "yes" and "of course" or some variation. Calls, emails, letters, harassing game media/press about it so THEY get annoyed and press Nintendo on the issue, and clogging up the Everybody Votes channel.

Best thing to do is keep up the bombardment. Also, to lower how many games you download on the Wii until a solution comes along. Then buy up a bunch.