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ALl Right i am aboslutely sick and tired of this graphic whore BULLS***! Get over it already. CHances are if a gamer are bedazzled by todays graphics its probably because he's been wathcing the industries technology evoleve since its inception. What is wrong with wanting visuals to improve with the rest of the medium.
In all honesty these crap forums would never come up if the wii's grafix didnt look relatively last gen. And you cant make assumptions on how gamers treat the oppossite sex based on their gaming preferences if so what could you say about "wii/gameplay whores"- that they are perverts who love to grope ugly woman and waggle their junk cuz their junk? I'd call BS on both assumptions/
Note I'm not attacking the wii or wii owners cuz i have a wii and i love it but htis graphics whore argument is so weak just move on.

Judging from this posters complaints adn how hee judges GFX whore let me make assumptions about him.
1) His GF is probably ugly and his friends alll told him so, and his friendsjust told him so.
2) he has a tiny wee.
3) he is tired of the hd consoles getting more gaming media attention for their gfx.

Again i'd never personally make any of these assumptions about anyone, Im sure some Gfx whores are shallow only looking for hotties but you can't say that for all of them.