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Anthem looks like a Destiny clone. Crackdown absolutely looks dated. Only "exclusives" I'm interested in are Ori, State of Decay and Cuphead. I'll play em on PC and since I can upgrade my already capable win 10 PC to 4K capable for newer games for much less than $499) my multiplats will be on PC or PS4 as well.

They did show a lot of games which the have gotten much better at over this generation so that was a plus but again, for me not a lot spoke to me. And many of them seemed uninspired or retreads. Backward/forward compatibility at this point going forward should be considered industry standard so the emphasis on this is moot. Though the promise of a 4k face lift is welcome. But that price!? Youch. I opersonally bought a launch PS3 so I personally am not opposed to paying more for a console but they have not learned the lessons of the past. It won't sell enough to resurge the brand to it's previous glory.

Specs show MS has all but admitted they screwed up with the XB1 (DDR3+ESRAM and no secret sauce). The vapor cooling is well, cool. The box itself is plain but classy.

It is the most powerful console on the market come Nov. 7th but it's still lacking that killer new game/franchise that it needs to be relevant.

5/10 because the show did absolutely nothing to even consider buying an XB1/S/X.