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These same guys are the ones who chase the girl who looks the prettiest or has the biggest chest. They don't care about the substance behind the looks.

LOL bullshit. Games are no people. I thought games have become art, so whats wrong with liking beautiful things.

Besides isn't it ironic that some of the most beautiful games also have the deepest and most interesting gameplay, the biggest freedom of action and the best storytelling? Bioshock, Mass Effects, MGS4, GTA4 are all games that tell a great story, give you hitherto unknown gameplay options and tell an interesting story and they look great.

On the other hand some of the ugliest game also have the blandest most superficial gameplay and almost no story: Party games come to mind. So in the end its more like the we don't want to commit to a game fraction who like 3minute playing sessions, easy access and don't care about graphics and people who like great games, want them to look good and are prepared to invest in them.

PS: BTW that was not 100% serious but the graphic whore bullshit is going on my nerves.)