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Darth, sooner or later you need to accept that the ps3 isn't gonna be the house of jrpgs this gen. Bashing both the 360 and its lineup won't change the fact that your console isn't getting jrpg love.

Lost Odyssey is a solid game and playing just a few hours on someone's else's console isn't the way to get a proper impression. The problem is not that LO isn't good (which it is) but rather that since you don't own a 360 it's a game you can't get and thus it must be bad so you don't miss it.

In a certain way, it must suck to be you: a jrpg fan stuck with both consoles (wii and ps3) without jrpgs. You know, while you keep posting in VGchartz, we'll be playing LO, IU, ToV, Cry On, etc...

If I were you, I'd try to secure a DS: it's relatively cheap and has a nice lineup of jrpgs. Wait, you own a PSP already - man, you gotta stop being sony's little fan... you'll live happier.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).