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cleveland124 said:
MaximusOptimus said:
Ahhhh now i understand the Wii fanboy even more. Third party tells you to go eff yourself you start a boycott but amend your boycott when they publish i game to save face. Hypocrites that you are when Nintendo tell you to go eff yourself you say well it was this guy from Europe not Japan so it is ok and you bend over and take it. You hypocrites make the rest of us Wii owners look bad.

LOL.  Very different situations.  I guess I'm just used to high ups from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo saying stupid thing so I don't get all up in arms when they do say something stupid.  However, the dead horse argument is this. 

UBISOFT was one of the few developers to support the Wii at luanch.  And they were big winners with Rabid Rabbits and RedSteel (core game) selling over a million copies.  They then showed pleasure and said they would soon be supporting the Wii with "NINTENDO QUALITY" software.  Nintendo fans rejoice because Ubisoft actually has some solid IPs.  Then Ubisoft releases Assassins Creed, Tom Clancy, Prince of Persia, and BG&E exclusively for the HD consoles and has only announced Rabid Rabbits 3 for the Wii.  Ubisoft then spouts the typical crap about the Wii that PC/360 developers have been saying despite no proof that they won't sell, they will not give Nintendo their quality IPs.  I agree a boycott is rediculous since their is nothing to boycott.  But being a Nintendo fan it is hard not to be dissapointed that there is no true AAA third party game for the Wii despite its dominance in the market place.

Now what Nintendo has done.  Nintendo of Japan has mentioned that the lack of hard drive is an issue and they are working on it.  Some peon in Europe who clearly is not in control with the decision making (few people outside of Japan are when it comes to Nintendo) spouts the crap that a HD is not an issue.  All the while Nintendo based games are awesome.  If you dissagree fine, but the DS and Wii became the dominant forces not because of hardware or third party support but because Nintedo continues to pump out hit after hit. 

So the reality is simple.  If you wish to boycott Nitnendo, you might as well sell your Wii on ebay.  There are a few novel third party games for the wii, but without Nintendos own IPs it would be the worst console I owned.  And for Ubisoft it is simple, come to the plate with the first AAA third party game.  Then tell me the boycott will last. 

 I am not saying ubididn't screw uswii owners, just noticing all the pathetic wii fanboys with boycott ubi in their sigs change their tune when they published a good game and now defend this pr guy from ninty as being retarded, uninformed etc etc...  I agree with what you said though especially the boycott being stupid. lol dumbass fanboys need to cling to something i guess.

Mil. Sellers:

Wii:      25 titles       101.4 mil total    avg 4 mil per title

PS3:     14 titles      28.6 mil total    avg ~2 mil per title

360:     41 titles      89.8 mil total   avg  >2 mil per title