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tmbh said:

The Internet.

There must be dozens, hundreds or even thousands of sites dedicated to particular consoles all blowing their respective trumpet about how great or amazing a particular console is. Forums are everywhere allowing people to express themselves or vent frustrations which fuel others into responding.

The last generation (GC, PS2, XBOX) was the start of it when the Internet exploded and people started to find online communities, which are everywhere now!

Prior to that (N64, PS1, Genesis, Master System etc) there was no way for people to really spa off each other!

Hell even this (fantastic) site fuels all sorts of speculation about future sales trends with its statistics/tools which will naturally attract anyone interested in quoting figures etc.

Fanboyism is here to stay!

Next generation expect stabbings and shootings!

 I think events like that have occured? Not sure. I know the other day there was news about how reviewers recieved death threats from people who weren'thappy with scores recieved on things, because people thought the reviewer was biased.


It's all preference gone to far. I can say I prefer the PS3 over the 360,  but some people seem to really really love one console, and just hate another, and take it too far. And for some reason they can't handle people liking other consoles, talking about other consoles, or pointing out flaws in the particular console they like.

As it was said in the post I quoted, it's probably due to communities on the internet. On the internet people can say anything they want and conversations easily turn to arguements, and in real life an arguement can end. You can leave the room or where ever you are and forget about it. But on the internet, your discussion, say in a forum, will always be there for people to read, for different people to attack your opinion on something.