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Nintendo does not need to showcase 2018 games to get people excited about the Switch. They know just from existing numbers how popular the system is. Many people are holding off as well for Mario Odyssey to be launched, XC2, as well as Splatoon 2 (for some of my friends). Really all announcing 2018 games will do is get gamers that like to list all the games coming to the console some vindication. They will likely showcase 2018 games in a digital event later this year sometime around fall.

Nintendo also does things a little differently where E3 isn't their main stage for showing off new games, etc. Sony and Microsoft on the other hand use E3 to show off the newest games, systems, etc. While Nintendo uses it as one of many avenues throughout the year as a result of their digital events. As was seen with the Nintendo Switch which could have been shown off at E3 last year even with a small tease but wasn't and instead was shown off in a reveal trailer that has been seen millions of times.