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MaximusOptimus said:
pinback4life said:
it seems to me that this generation of consoles XBOX 360, PS3, Wii have been overwhelmed with fanboys, but what i dont understand is why it has gotten so out of control. Even during the ps3, n64, and xbox were around it never seemed like it was that big of an issue whay the hell and were the hell did all these fanboys come from and why has it spiked this gen so badly

 It is a close race now.  PS sold over 100 mil and destroyed the N64 and Saturn.  Not to be out done the PS2 sold over 100 mil and even topped PS number.....GCN, XBOX and Dreamcast were yet again destroyed and had no chance.  This time nintendo is winning in sales so the PS fanboys are mad.  The 360 fanboys are mad since they had a year head start and have as they claim the best library and yet still failed to hold the #1 spot.  The Wii fanboys are mad since third party developers are giving them the finger since the Wii doesn't do HD graphics.  This gen each system has its problems and the Wii will win in the end by not by such a lead as the PS and PS2 and therefore every side will try to claim some sort of winning.  The Sony fanboys will say they have the best console and technically speaking they do.  The 360 fanboys will say but we have the best library which at the moment it seems they do.  And the Wii fanboys willclaim but we sold the most.  Etc....fanboys are stupidbut it i getting bad this time around i agree.

This is the correct answer. This is the first time in over ten years that there's an actual battle for #1. In the past, the Playstation brand was like a young Mike Tyson -Knocking competitors out in round 1! On the plus side, aside from all the worthless fanboyism, the competition has given us: Price cuts Free online (PS3/Wii) Tons of new gamers (thanks to the Wii's approach) An end to the "Hi-Def War": Would Blu-Ray have won without the PS3? More benefits that I'm too lazy to think of....... I love an intense console war. Gamers ALWAYS benefit! ............except that kid I killed back in 1991 for saying Sonic was better than Mario. He didn't benefit. He didn't benefit at all.