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Normally I'd be happy with this result as it doesn't give any party too much control but withe the brexit negotiations this is not the ideal scenario. May's campaign was rubbish and she was on the ropes quite a few times. At least I suppose with the dup she has her 5 year term to get through the full length of the brexit process. The other option where she goes to the country during the final stages of leaving Europe and fails to get a mandate to finish it is worse.

She seems to have mis-judged soo many things in election campaign and destroyed what was at the time I think a 20 point lead in the polls and most of this was due to own goals. Clearly Scotland does not want a second referendum and that has helped the conservatives.

I guess there are a lot of coalition governments in Europe and they will push for the best deal for Europe whatever May's majority in parliament so not much has changed really except for the egg on her face for such a poor campaign. As poorly judged and expensive as many of Corbyn's policies are he clearly was more comfortable in his campaign and it's clear students liked his policies of throwing money at them.

As ever the majority of politicians are talentless cretins with huge ego's and this applies to most of them worldwide.