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Teeqoz said:
VGPolyglot said:

I had no candidate of choice, because Bernie Sanders was running for the party of then-current president, there was no way he was going to change much.

I don't believe that you were completely indifferent as to who won the election, and that if you had been forced to make a choice, you would have voted for Bernie (or possibly a third party).

If I was forced to vote, I'd put in a joke vote like Satan or something like that.

Ljink96 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Actually, she probably would have done most of the garbage Trump has done, just with different rhetoric.

Not..really. She wouldn't pull out of the Paris Accord, she wouldn't have gotten 24 million people off of health insurance and cut taxes on the wealthy, need I go on. I think your're gravely ill informed when it comes to the clintons. Sure, Hillary did some things that were questionable, what politician doesn't? But It was BIll and Hillary that got out country a surplus of money and from what my parents told me, then....everybody had money. It wasn't until bush got into office that things went to shit. 

We simply can't act like Trump is better than Hillary. We can't. I'm sorry.

That's my point. It's not an individual candidate that's the problem it's the whole system itself that is.