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Current widespread thinking is that Scorpio really needs to announce some system-seller games, and to surprise with something stellar and unique at E3, for MS to have a chance of Scorpio not being DOA this holiday.

They need an annoucement of:

  • Halo 6 (would amass a lot of xbox360 gamers)
  • A new Splinter Cell? (heard rumor that this could be their surprise game). Last splinter cell released 2013. But Ubisoft owns the IP, and would Ubisoft release a exclusive game for the Xbox  platform, avoiding potential of selling to 60+ million PS4 gamers?
  • A new console friendly Age of Empires RTS? (could be big surprise. A beloved franchise for PC gamers)
  • A new Perfect Dark Zero? (don't know the strength in that IP, but doubtfull it could be a showstopper)
  • A new Fable? (yet Lionhead is closed, don't believe a new AAA Fable is underway)
  • A new Gears? (That franchise has gotten tired, needs a reboot, but don't believe that is happening anytime soon)