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Is anyone else disappointed in this game? Random Team Battle is how we have always rolled when playing local (at least since it was introduced), the lack of that mode or it being behind a paywall at a later date sucks.

The main story mode ... kind of blah in my opinion and the English voice acting out of the reporter was fucking terrible, almost made me want to skip all his parts.

A 5 round arcade mode .... really? My first play-through I thought the game glitched. Is it 5 rounds in the arcade? If so what a waste of a credit.

The fighting seems to be as good as always but I can see how the developers would be worried about a lack of content. That said I never really cared for customizing my characters so I haven't seen how deep that goes in this one.

Perhaps I was just looking forward to this one too much and seeing the roster cut down so much from Tag2 ... I have mixed feelings on that. On one hand many of Tag2's characters were basically just skins of another character with a few moves changed up but on the other hand I still liked to see their ending movies.

I think the review scores it got were justified after spending 5 hours with it and having seen almost all the ending movies and with story mode out of the way.