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MS purchasing RPG is not a problem, but MS purchasing JRPG is really flushing them down the toilet.
Actually, they even flush the companies that make them down the toilet. But that's not only MS' fault, that's also the JRPG company's fault.
The purpose of a business is to acquire and keep customers. JRPG are not doing well since the PS2, and putting them on XB360 only accelerate their demise. Mistwalker is just a crap company nowadays, and their name doesn't mean anything anymore. Their JRPG on DS are not even looked after, and I bet their Blue Dragon DS will be a flop like all their other games. Compare to Level 5, that acquired lots of customers and now are keeping them, leading to great success. Their only franchise is on DS BTW, and they're racking the profit.
Most companies didn't risk their established JRPG series on it, they're not insane. Only Namco did that with their ToV, but they already started doing stupid things with the series on the DS. Like they killed their series on the DS by releasing crap as their first game on it, they'll probably destroy it on home consoles on the XB360. I don't think FFXIII is strong enough to assure success on PS3, so I very well doubt ToV will do.
Anyway, the PS3 and Wii are now 1.5 years old, so the good JRPG are starting to come to them, which is as it always was. The Wii will already have more JRPG than the XB360 this year, despite the XB360 one year headstart. The PS3 I think will be equal, depends on the delays. PS3 already have one of the two decent SRPG of this gen (the other one being FE). SRPG typically sell far less than traditional JRPG, and a SRPG reaching 150k units sold in Japan is very good already. Only FF Tactics reached such heights as selling nearly 1 million in Japan alone. SRPG are a niche of JRPG, that's why.

So actually, everything goes as planned initially. Saying that people should buy a XB360 now if they want to play JRPG is pure nonsense. Only a XB360 fanboy would say such nonsense. Someone that actually loves JRPG would never say this. Unless you have a habit of reselling your games and consoles, then I guess it doesn't matter.

Though it calmed down a lot, there's still this overhyping effect surrounding the XB360 releases, especially regarding JRPG. That's why the release of one more JRPG on it is seen as Jesus revived. That's cluthing at straws, seriously...