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Chris Hu said:
thismeintiel said:

Except we had a crash. And then the market basically rebooted itself.  It was still relatively young.  And we are far away from that gen, where combined the Top 5 didn't even hit 95M.  Now, the market leader sells 5M+ more than that all on its own.  Face it. XBO is doing poorly.  MS may not say it, but their actions show they know it is.  And even more so when you compare it to its 85M units sold predecessor, of which it doesn't look like it will hit half that number.

Nope, nothing that is already in its fourth generation is still in its infancy.  That like saying when the first Model T rolled off the assembly line the automotive industry was still in its infancy.  The infancy period is like the first 5 to 10 years of any industy.  By the time 4th generation started video games where around for almost 20 years already.

This going to be my last reply.  It's obvious you lost the debate, as you are focusing on something that isn't the main point because you can't argue the main point.  And that is the XBO is doing poorly on all accounts.  To even make it seem like a success you are comparing it to when the gaming market was MUCH smaller.  The whole market wasn't even 95M during the first 4 gens.  And now we have single consoles selling more than that each gen.