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I don't think Nintendo needs a mainline Pokemon game for this year. It's hard enough finding a Switch at the moment. A new mainline game would make the supply constraint 1000x worse than it already is.

Also it seems that the plan with the Switch out of the gate is to release at least 1 or 2 AAA games a month while filling the rest of the month with weekly updates of new smaller games to fill in gaps. As the OP said. June is Arms, July for Splatoon2, August for Rabbids x Mario, September for Pokken, October for FE: Warriors, November for Mario Odyssey, and December for Xenoblade 2 is filling that gap with at least 1 AAA title a month that we know about so far. We are likely to see some new games announced during the E3 Direct which focuses on new games for this year mostly.

I think the new mainline Pokemon game will be announced next year after hopefully most of the supply issues disappear.