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Ljink96 said:
I have no words... I only wish Iwata was here to see the fruits of his work.

This.  I personally believe Iwata gave his life to help get Nintendo back on track... no average person would put that kind of hard work and devotion just weeks before dying.  That is a big part of why his death was such a shock to us, we all thought that he was in decent health given that he was still producing Directs, etc...  

I said (with hope) two years ago after his death that Iwata's last gift to gamers might be the NX, and I do believe that his sacrifice won't be in vain.  Iwata might have been what prevents Nintendo from going the way of Sega (at least for another decade) and keeping a living piece of gaming history alive for a new generation of gamers to experience.  There may yet be another generation of kids who will get to grow up experiencing the joys of unboxing a game cartridge or playing a Mario game that doesn't involve a smartphone!