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Safiir said:
TargaryenVers2 said:

Prop 8 is a prime example of how anti-lgbt laws can get passed through appealing to "not" homophobic people. The strong appeal towards "preserving" traditional marriage and the "think about the children" message resignated with a lot of people that were on the fence or didn't think about the issue, enough for it to pass and take away marriage equality. People on the fence that voted yes thought about their personal discomforts and it influencd their votes.

It's amazing how quickly people forget about how much struggling and cultural battles the lgbt community faced because people "felt grossed out" by them

Did the suffragettes have it easy to win voting rights for women because men didn't find their sexual activities gross? Dude, challenging social dogmas has nothing to do with likes and dislikes.

It has to do with societal respect, and it can be what you find "gross or not" or the way worse option where you don't consider them fully human (women were seen as property, blacks actually were property). That type of social conditioning is what influences and perpetuates unjust laws.

Women at the time weren't seen as gross, but they were seen as less than in other ways (not as intelligent, emotional, seen as property of spouce, etc) and it limited what women could do legally as well as socially. 

(Formerly RCTjunkie)