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Monday... *sigh*, let's go with the news:



Let's begin with Steam's top10 games of last week:

  1. Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds.
  2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition.
  3. Tekken 7.
  4. Football Manager 2017.
  5. Friday the 13th: The Game.
  6. Black Desert ONline.
  7. Rocket League.
  8. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
  9. H1Z1: King of the Kill.
  10. ARK: Survival Evolved.


June's Humble Monthly kicks things off with Dark Souls 2 plus DLC for $12
Humble Monhtly is a subscription service where you pay $12 to get over $100 worth of games every month. June's Humble Monthly is live now, and the first game to be added is Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin.






This mod for The Witcher 3 lets you play in first-person mode, supports combat & customizable FOV
SkacikPL has released a new version of his amazing first-person mod for The Witcher 3. This mod features an immersive first person camera that properly follows Geralt’s body and supports a customizable FOV (in range from 1 to 110), customizable, separate X and Y axis mouse sensitivity, as well as experimental combat mechanics.
Those interested can download this mod from here.


Unlock dozens of mutant superpowers with this Fallout 4 mod
The mod is called, aptly enough, Mutant Powers, and it lets you burst into flames like the Human Torch, run at super speed like The Flash, teleport like Nightcrawler, suck the life out of enemies like Captain Vampire (who I may have just made up), and imbues you with all sorts of other cool abilities, like electrical attacks, energy shields, clairvoyance, ice powers, super jumping, and more. You can even transform yourself into a terrifying shadow monster like everyone's favorite superhero, Captain Terrifying Shadow Monster (also made up, though I'd watch the Netflix show if there was one).


Part 2 of New Vegas mod Fallout: Project Brazil teased in video series
The team behind Fallout: New Vegas mod Project Brazil—a massive fan add-on that adds a new vault, map, quests, and thousands of lines of dialogue from around twenty voice actors—released the first of its three parts back in 2013, and it sounds like we won't have too much longer to wait for Part 2. An update to the game's Moddb page reveals where the project is at now, while a (spoiler-filled) five-part video series shows off some alpha footage of that upcoming second chapter, along with the improved assets that will be making their way to Part 1.


These 2 Prey mods add hardcore difficulty and greater immersion
Don't look now but that coffee cup on your desk just turned into a hardcore difficulty mod. It's called Prey For Death, created by modder jvames, and it will make your time in Prey a grueling (yet hopefully enjoyable) nightmare.



Vanquish – Patch 1.02 is now available to everyone
Little Stone Software has released a new patch for the PC version of Vanquish. According to the release notes, this patch fixes an issue where events would occasionally fail to trigger at high frame rates and fixes an issue where scripted events would progress at the wrong speed at higher frame rates.


New video for Sunless Chronicles showcases its character customization system
Far South Creations has shared a new video, showcasing the character customization system of Sunless Chronicles. Sunless Chronicles is a Dark Souls-inspired action RPG in Unreal Engine 4 that is created by a single person. According to the developer, the game’s current character customization system currently features more than 60 morph sliders (such as skin tone, age, muscularity) and more than 20 hairstyles.


Elite: Dangerous' second alien encounter has been discovered
Around half-a-year ago, players finally started to come across the long-teased aliens of Elite: Dangerous, after this astonishing first encounter with the frightening Thargoid species. It was an event that was reproducible, with a bit of persistence, and a pinch of luck, and the same is true of humanity's second encounter with the eerie Thargoids, which occurred recently. It's not clear who the very first player/players were to make second contact with the aliens, but one of the first was seemingly YouTuber Mass_Locked Mafia, who details how that encounter went down in the following video.


Prey – Patch 1.04 is now available, brings various FOV improvements
Bethesda has released a new update for the PC version of PREY. According to the release notes, this patch adjusts timing on several cutscenes, adjusts several cut-scenes to play properly with modified FOV settings, and tweaks mouse sensitivity so that it can no longer be affected by extreme FOV settings.


A Life is Strange prequel may be in development
Life is Strange developer Dontnod revealed last month that it has been working on a new game in the series since the release of the boxed edition in early 2016. But as reported by Kotaku, it looks like another Life is Strange game may be on the way as well—a prequel, actually, being developed by newly-renamed studio Deck Nine Games.


FIFA 18 will be officially revealed tomorrow
EA Sports has announced, via the game’s official FB page, that FIFA 18 will be officially revealed tomorrow. As EA noted, tomorrow it will give a first look at this latest part of its soccer series.

>>That tomorrow is today, so you won't have to wait much longer to know about it... if you're interested, of course.


Rocket League will get a new Anniversary Update on Jule 5th
Psyonix has revealed a new Anniversary Update for Rocket League. Launching on July 5th, the Anniversary Update features a free new arena named ‘Champions Field,’ a standard, modern-looking stadium that will be available in Competitive, Casual and Private matches.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.