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twintail said:
Imaginedvl said:

Why would I not watch them? 

I dont know, maybe because you said you found their E3s 'extremely boring' because you dont 'care about their games or console'


Imaginedvl said:

While I'm not intested into PS games or console that much, I have one at home and I still like to watch the whole E3 conference and the majority of what they show are multi-platform games anyway so it is far from a behind a waste of time. And finding Sony conference not so amazing does not make it a bad conference (that's also a difference between being a fan or enthusiast of one versus hating the other up to the point of making a lot of non-sense). I do not hate Sony but their gaming platform is just not appealing to me.

But you miraculaously have a PS console even though you are not interested or have appeal in their hardware or software.

But you are happy to sneak in a 'non-sense' that clearly doesnt relate to you, so perhaps for everyone else? Who knows...


Imaginedvl said:

Yah sure, no denying, the majority of Xbox fans can tell you otherwise 

so where are they?

Try to at least read the whole text before to reply and quote me (the non-sense for isntance) completly out of the place.

At the end, it does not change the facts that:

- I have a Play Station Four, I do not play it often (bought it for one game) and I watch the Sony conference every year.
- I do not find Sony conference amazingly ridiculously awesome like you seem to do because my interest is very limited and they are also showing a lot of multiplatforms. I do not find them bad either.
- I find Microsoft conferences very good in general as this is what I'm looking for.

Sorry if hurt your feelings as you seem to become just arrogant with your anwsers now. I'm glad you think there is "winner" at E3 and pretty sure you will find the next Sony conference to be the best in year no matter what. Good for you :)

The main difference between you and I, I guess. Is that liking Microsoft more does not make me hate Sony. And while my interrest are not so high for their gaming platform, I still own one (like almost all console) and I'm still curious and while being limited, there are some stuff that I'm looking for (same went for the Play Station Three; I bought it for one or two games). I do not hate Sony and saying that I do not find their conference amazing is different than bitching them.